Sexing Oscars | Difference between Male & Female Oscar


 5 Difference between Male & Female Oscar

Oscar fish are sexually monomorphic this means the male and female look exactly same and both sexes are virtually identical in appearance.

It cannot be determined till they are 12-15 months old. Once the fish is about 4-5 inches long then you will really get the chance to determine the sex. 

1 - Sexual Organs - The best way to identify is by visual inspection of their sex organs. The female egg tubes will protrude approx. 0.5cm from around the same area as her anus, while the male's sexual organ can be best described as resembling a very small spike.

2 - Body Shape - A second tough less accurate method is that females are generally thicker on the body area above the vent(the pooper), whereas the males are slimmer.

3 - Growth rate - Males have been suggested to grow more quickly than female and in some naturally occurring strains.

4 - Dorsal Fin - Male Oscar fishes are noted to posses dark blotches on the base of their dorsal fins.

5 - Professional Advise - Ask for a professional examination by breeder or local expert.

Observe Possible Reproduction - Watch for any sign of reproduction. A female will swim along the bottom of an aquarium and deposit eggs. A male will follow close behind & fertilize with semen.


However, when it comes to their babies, Oscars are very careful. In fact, the Oscar fish will protect its babies and is very careful not to suck them up. This is known as “brood care” and is a type of parental care seen in several fish species. While most fish simply release their eggs into the environment, the Oscar will
protect its offspring until they are large enough to leave and established their own territory.


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